A White Light Drip

Sometimes I joke that, if I could, I'd hook myself up to a White Light drip. One that would replace the space where negativity once livedand fill it with the best of energy, and the best of calm, to make room for the most of who I am, and who I'm meant to be. And then? It would free me to accomplish what I'm meant to on this Earth.

Truth be known, I'm really not joking. But just receiving all of this would be too easy, right? So I'm going to have to free myself. And since I have to work to do it? I'm going to do so from an artistic point of view.

Which is why I've decided to becometa-da!an Architect of White Light. Is there such a category? If there wasn't before, there is now. Because my imagination just ran away with my pen. And do you know what they built? A Sanctuary to White Light. A cave where the purest of rock crystal encrusts walls that arch from floor to ceiling and down againand whose White Light rivals the light of the sun.

Someday I'll take you there with me. But right now, I need to go inside to lose myself, to find myself, and to come out the other side.

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