Touching Magic

Who Am I And What Can I Do For You?

I'm a realist who might help you see why your idea isn't "crazy" enough...and a dreamer who can help you keep your feet firmly on the ground, even as you're reaching for the Moon.

I am also "Misha" to my two little grandchildren, and their buddies - "Ema" to my two daughters - and a writer who knows what it's like to have to fit creativity in between the cracks of life. One who would have my daughters five billion times over, but always needed - and still need - to carve another path at the same time.

I remember so nostalgically the days when I had to take my then little girls - and even our dog - into the bathroom with me so I knew they would be safe while I showered.  And how I used to wake up at three a.m. to write because "the judge" wasn't sitting on my shoulder, and my girls weren't hanging on my legs!

Because I've been there, and done that - and am still right there with you - I know exactly how you feel. And know that sometimes, no matter how strong and smart we may be, there are times when we just want someone else to row our boat for awhile. Or to help us laugh, when teaching our kids how to row their boats feels more like treading water.

Which is where I come in. I'm not a medical practitioner. And I don't have a teaching degree. But people tell me that I inspire them to bring out their creativity, even when it means fitting it in between the cracks of their lives. That I help them feel calmer, and safe - to be themselves, to try on dreams, and to see new doors to possibilities.

P.S. I've Set Up Coaching The Arts As A Separate Blog, So....

So even if you have only 2.5 seconds, you'll know just where to find answers. I'm going to be posting some specific ways that I can work with adults, and children of all ages. But how I work also depends on what you're looking for.

'Til then, if you have any specific questions, or projects, I'd love to hear from you! (The fastest way to reach me is by email - via the Contact Me button.) We can set up time to get together...on the phone, on WhatsApp, or in person.


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