A White Purse Without A Green Gun On it

Have you ever looked at who you were as a child, and felt like you were looking in a mirror? Because you're basically the same person you were then? And because you've returned to doing what you loved back then, or never stopped doing those things in the first place?

I see myself so clearly, I could wave to that little girl. I still wear ponytails, and still think that headbands should never have been invented. I'll still love blue jeans, black turtlenecks, and cowboy boots when I'm 110, but you'll never see me wearing bows.

And I completely understand why the four-year-old me asked my mom for, "a white purse without a green gun on it." And why I stressed, "But if it has a green gun on it, I don't want it." Because I'm still not a fan of guns, but will always be pro accessories.

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