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Because Diversity Adds Life To Our Lives 

Hi All....

Without diversity, we would be reduced to robots, and the world would fade to blah. Since the flip side of goodness is not an option for us, I'm trying to wrap my arms (via my words) around all of us everywhere, everywhere, everywhere. Because we care. And so our diversity can continue to help us stretch, grow, and add life to our lives.

Like so many of you—of us—I've been glued to my computer for so many days since (and before) the election, that I feel like my chair is part of my body. (Like if I stand up, it will come with me.) I've been posting to my website, FB, and LinkedIn. So my apologies if you see some of my posts more than once. But if they can help us laugh, feel safer, and help take the hard edge off of life—maybe we'll all sleep a little better at night.

Cheers To Peace, Hugs, Health, Diversity, & White Light 

Hi All....
Have you ever wanted to see the inside of hope, and of miracles, but you couldn't turn off your mind long enough to see them? And even running away wouldn't help—because you'd have to take yourself with you? Been there, done that...and sometimes I do it again. 
The changes we're all seeing, experiencing, and worrying about right now are what I call, "Not fun." So stick with me. Because I truly believe that together we'll be both stronger and softer. That together we can help take the hard edge off of life, and make the world a kinder place to be. And because, as I say on this site: "I joke that writing takes me inside myself, the other arts take me outside myself, and together they keep me sane. If my words can make you laugh, feel safer, and help keep the craving for the arts within us...then they will have served their purpose." 
Cheers to peace, hugs, health, diversity, & white light...
xoxo, Joanie

P.S. To You About Maurice's Valises 

Hi All....

I truly believe that J.S. Friedman's Maurice's Valises series, and its magical illustrations by Chris Beatrice, is destined to become an evergreen...a classic that our grandchildren will share with their grandchildren. Because it is timeless, ageless, and one of the wisest and most all-around gorgeous stories I've ever seen. I'd love it if you'll check out the site below. And if you feel as I do, please post it, repost it, and help to spread Maurice's goodness throughout the world. Thanks so much. - Joanie


Maurice's Valises 

I never expected to fall in love with a mouse. Or to let him burrow into my heart and soul. But when J.S. Friedman gave us Maurice's Valises and its magical illustrations by Chris Beatrice—like the ta-da of a fairy’s wand, he brought his little traveler to life.

Now, every time Maurice opens one of his valises, a world of goodness and of light springs out. A world where differences bring us together. Friendship and truth cross all boundaries. And listening to the wisdom in our hearts, helps us find the way. - Joanie

To Mothers And Fathers Everywhere--Past, Present, And Future 

Wishing you all the happiest, most beautiful Mother's Day, and early Father's Day, full of new experiences and sweet memories past, present, and future. So many of us who have lost our parents say the same words—that we think of them every day—they'll always be a part of us—and we wish they were physically with us now.

There are shelves of books devoted to parent-child relationships because even the best ones have rocky times. Still, some say we choose our parents before we're born. If that's true, then I unequivocally made the right choice. And would choose mine all over again.


P.S. Besides the fact that your hugely positive comments and thoughts make me so happy, I invite and welcome them because they serve as a lighthouse of sorts. One that lets me know if, and how, I'm reaching you. They also jog my memories so that other stories surface. Together they help to keep me on the course that I intendedtaking the hard edge off of life through the artseven while allowing room for serendipity.

So if you'd like to add your comments to my blogs, I'd love it. Or if you'd rather just sit back and read my stories and sound bites? I'd be totally thrilled with that, as well!

To Add Comments:
1) You're already on my website ( so just click on my blog - Joanie's Take.
2) Click on "comment" under any post that draws you
and add your thoughts.

If You're Interested in Being on My Guest Book:
Just click on the Guest Book tab, and enter your email. I sincerely appreciate your visiting me here, and will never share, or sell, your information! I'll only contact you if I have special news to share. And when I start a newsletter, will only send it once a month. (If
due to some computer glitchyou ever receive duplicate emails, please let me know.)

Thank You 

Hi again....

Thank you so much to all of you who have taken the time to read my posts..and many times, to share your impressions in your amazing, thought provoking, and often hilarious comments. To those of you I know, and those of you who I'm meeting for the first time on my site...your interest, and caring, touch me more than you can imagine.

I had talked about doing a website/blog for more than a few years. But as I'm not technically oriented, the process of setting it up seemed daunting...even when one of my friends said that she could picture me writing a blog, and loving it. So I put it off, put it off, put it off...until finally...enough was enough. And when I pushed past my fear, and set this up?

I found out that my friend was right; and I actually love blogging. Because:

1) I genuinely feel that we all have a mission...something that we are meant to accomplish, or to help further, while we're on this Earth. It is more than my is my conviction...that my mission is to help take the hard edge off of life through sharing and helping to further the arts with my words, both personally, and as a writer. I don't even pretend to be perfect. (And finally gave up trying to be years ago.) But I will never stop trying to make a difference through, and for, the arts. And will never stop seeking to be the voice that I was searching for growing up. So I can help others to believe in their differences, and their dreams.

2) I'm a writer, but never thought of myself as a storyteller, until several people described me that way. I have to say that I love their description because I always want to write to you, not for you. So as much as I crave, and adore, the process of going inside my soul and excavating to bring out what I genuinely feel, think, and see...a writer cannot write in a vacuum. Thank you for cheering me on...and joining me...on my journey.



When I tell people that I'm a writer, one of the first questions they ask is, "Do you have anything online that I can read?"

For those who've wondered...and all of you who visit my site...thanks incredibly for your interest, and for caring. I'll be posting more of my pieces from time to time (excerpts from books in progress, various types of stories, stream of consciousness sound bites, etc.). I hope they sing to you.